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The Yellow Dot program is a traffic safety initiative that provides first responders with critical personal medical information necessary to treat victims at the crash site. Because the first hour or the “golden hour,” following an injury is the most crucial, this information can mean the difference between life and death.

Download printable medical information booklet

Order a Yellow Dot decal

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Should I fill out medical information for adults only?

A: No, this is for anyone with a medical need. The information provided can be beneficial to first responders regardless of age.

Q: Where does the yellow dot go on my car?

A: In the rear-facing windshield, on the lower corner behind the driver.

Q: Can I fill out a yellow medical card for passengers in my vehicle?

A: Absolutely. You should complete medical information for any other drivers or passengers in your vehicle—especially if they have a specific medical need (i.e. allergy, diabetic, heart problems).